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The Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM)

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The Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) is a sustainability assessment tool that standardizes how facilities measure and evaluate their environmental performance, year over year.

The Higg FEM informs brands, retailers, and manufacturers about the environmental sustainability performance of their individual facilities, so they can make improvements that reduce negative sustainability impacts.

The Higg FEM assesses

Environmental management system
Energy use
Greenhouse gas emissions
Water use
Emissions to air (if applicable)
Waste management
Chemical use and management
Industry Sectors

We provide training and verification of Higg FEM for the following industry sectors:


What we can offer

Control Union is a Verification Body approved by Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) to offer on-site verification of Higg FEM as per the SAC verification protocol and procedures for textile and apparel facilities to communicate credible Higg Index FEM claims.


Control Union is SAC approved Training Body to offer Higg Index training/ capacity building in various countries in Asia as well as other continents. We offer basic introduction as well as intermediate and advanced training through our environmental experts who are SAC approved Higg FEM trainers.

How you benefit
The Higg FEM provides greater value and insight to your organization because it:

Relieves audit-fatigue
Standardizes how facilities measure and evaluate environmental performance
Offers questions according to facility needs, leading to better, actionable data, and more insight into your supply chain
Enables rapid learning through identification of sustainability hot spots, existing level of performance, and improvement opportunities
Calculates scores with increased accuracy and allows for easy sharing with multiple business partners
Catalyzes sustainability education and collaboration.

সূত্র: সংগৃহিত।
তারিখ: মার্চ ০৪, ২০২১

রেটিং করুনঃ ,

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ডিসেম্বর ২৩, ২০২৪,সোমবার


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