Ozone Washing Machines
Washing Machine: Ozone vs. Hot Water
Washing machines that use ozone in a solution and reduce hot water use by up to 90% while making clothes cleaner and longer lasting.
Ozone laundry systems have been named to the Federal Energy Management Program’s Promising Technologies list. These laundry systems use ozone as the chemical cleaning agent. An ozone generator mounts to the wall behind or above a front or top loading washing machine and generates ozone by electrifying oxygen in the air. Ozone is produced in a three-step process: first, air is compressed in a compressor; then the compressed air passes through a pressure swing adsorption oxygen generator. Finally, the oxygen is fed into a corona discharge ozone generator. The ozone is then dissolved in cold supply water, resulting in a detergent-free cleaning system. Ozone chemically reacts with organics, resulting in fabric cleaning as well as disinfection, deodorizing, and sanitization. These systems save energy because ozone is effective at cold temperatures, eliminating the need to heat the wash water. Due to ozone’s effectiveness as a cleaning agent, it is claimed that the washing machine can operate on shorter cycles with less rinses and thus less water. Ozone laundry systems thus have the potential to save detergent, bleach (as ozone is a powerful oxidizer), fabric softener, energy, and water, resulting in reduced operating costs. Ozone multi-load clothes washers, such as used in lodging, senior care, healthcare businesses and correctional facilities, have been shown to decrease hot water consumption associated with laundry uses by 91% (Source: FEMP, “Promising Technologies List”).
Ozone generators can be installed as add-ons to existing laundry equipment with manufacturer’s offering systems that operate on washers ranging from 35 to 400 lbs. Recent Consumer’s Reports testing of residential ozone laundry systems, however, showed ozone was only a bit better than plain water at cleaning soils from fabrics (DiClerico, 2014).
সূত্র: নেট থেকে সংগৃহিত।
তারিখ: নভেম্বর ১০, ২০২১
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