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How to develop and improve patience.

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How to develop and improve patience.
In this series of soft skills and business skills video from Skillopedia, you are going some tips to develop patience. To improve patience is a big challenge considering our life style today. Patience is a virtue. This corporate training and personality development session will help you develop the required business skills required in this stressful world.
Find the cause and Make a list
Every individual has their own trigger points. These points send you to a zone where you lose your patience. They could be crazy people who make you lose your temper, probably the awful traffic while travelling. Make a list of things that make you impatient. Note down the last time you were impatient. Take help from family members, friends or colleagues as they may have an idea of what makes you impatient. Physical distractions such as hunger, dehydration also cause you to be impatient.
Slow down
Probably you are the one who works in a rush. You like to finish everything immediately and quickly. You need to stay calm and slow down. Take it a little easy. Take a deep breath or take a short break to rejuvenate yourself.
Take up some hobby
Take up a hobby that makes you happy and keeps you at peace. Be it reading or cooking. Doing creative work like painting or sculpting help you to achieve success in being patient.
Expect the unexpected
Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs and it is important for you to accept them gracefully. Be realistic about how plans and schedules may turn out. If you are not realistic, you will not be open to bad outcomes and that will make you disappointed or crazy. So be open to sudden changes or outcomes.
We hope this soft skills session has helped you to develop patience and you have learned some tips to improve your patience.

4 tips to host an effective conference call.
In today’s business world conference calls have become a ritual. People travel less and tend to have more of conference call meetings. Therefore, it is necessary for the people who belong to the corporate world to handle or host the conference calls effectively. In this soft skills video from Skillopedia you will learn some soft skills to handle and host effective conference calls.
Set a plan –
Firstly to conduct a conference call you need to be mindful of others’ schedules. There are various people who attend conference calls. People who are in different areas or different time zones or busy with other meetings. One should avoid lunch hours or weekends for any conference calls. Once the time is decided send out a meeting request. This request should include the names of the participants, the agenda- the points and topics to be discussed. Send out a reminder email about the conference call and one can also use this opportunity to send out any reports or documents that would be helpful during the call.
Starting the call –
It is essential to be on time especially if you are the one who is hosting the call. Many at times some attendees might join in late so have some small talk notes handy. Introduce yourself and ask others to introduce themselves as well. There should not be any background noise while you are on a conference call.
Stick to your agenda –
While you are on the call make sure to stay focused. Firstly focus on the positive aspects then move on the steps that can be taken to cover the challenges and offer solutions. Do not over promise and feel free to say that you will get back with answers if you are not sure about something. A conference call is very much like a meeting and therefore one should take notes. At the end of the call ask if anyone has any questions and thank them for their time and wishing them a good day.
After call work –
Once the conference call is over , one should immediately create a recap and send it to the attendees. This recap helps to ensure if others are also on the same page. Document the notes into minutes and send it out and ask if any corrections or adjustments are required.
And at the end build on the knowledge that you learned and keep your attendees actively engaged on conference calls. These tips will surely help you to look forward for your next conference call.

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