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Compliance Related – GSV Global Security Verification

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Compliance Related GSV Global Security Verification

GSV Global Security Verification (GSV) – Supply Chain Security
Following the events of September 11, 2001, governments and customs organisations around the world have implemented new supply chain security standards.

The enhanced supply chain security standards and criteria, including C-TPAT, PIP and AEO, have been embraced and implemented by the global trade community. They aim to secure trade, protect against terrorist acts, and to combat illegal trafficking. As part of enforcing and adhering to the international supply chain security standards, companies must assess their supply chain to identify, mitigate and eliminate potential security risks.
Intertek’s Global Security Verification (GSV) programme employs a cutting-edge methodology for promoting best practices throughout the global trade industry, enabling importers and suppliers to mitigate risks associated with the cross-border transport of goods, while simultaneously expediting their arrival at destination markets. Best practices are achieved through the effective utilisation of resources, structured processes and innovation.
GSV integrates multiple global supply chain security initiatives, including C-TPAT, PIP and AEO. Our mission is to partner with international suppliers and importers to drive the development of a global security verification process, resulting in increased safety assurance, risk control, efficiency and cost savings for all participants.
Benefits of GSV for your organisation:
• Enables importers and suppliers to leverage efforts through a common industry platform and collaboration
• Delivers effective data gathering, analysis and reporting capabilities that allow for risk mitigation and more informed decision making for all supply chain partners
• Reduces audit fatigue by enabling suppliers to share their verification reports with various importers, allowing them to prioritise resources towards learning and continuous improvement versus repeat auditing
• Employs a consistent scoring methodology across all players that is combined with the use of automated auditor tools to provide increased audit efficiency, consistency and better reporting capabilities

C-TPAT Customs and Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) Solutions
Post-September 11, 2001, US Customs has engaged the assistance of the Trading Community in the war against terrorism. C-TPAT is a joint government–business partnership, where companies agree to improve security in their Supply Chains in return for “Fast Lane” Border Crossings and other important incentives.
To meet this challenge, Intertek provides security solutions to your company and suppliers. This is a voluntary manufacturer–based verification program seeking to verify and validate the on-site security practices of foreign manufacturers exporting to the United States.
This program calls upon importing businesses and service providers to establish policies enhancing their own security practices and those of business partners involved in the supply chain, based on the following C-TPAT security criteria:
• Business Partners Requirements
• Container Security
• Physical Access Controls
• Personnel Security
• Security Training & Threat Awareness
• Information Technology Security
Once these policies are given an effect, imports by these businesses would be given a “Fast Lane” by the US Customs.
Intertek can conduct an independent Assessment through a verification audit and benchmark the facility on a Score Card, which enables the facility to move towards a continuous upgrading of their security systems.

সূত্র: সংগৃহিত।

তারিখ: ফেব্রুয়ারী ১৬,২০২১

রেটিং করুনঃ ,

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