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Scivera in chemical arena (২০২২)

Scivera in chemical arena At Scivera, we envision a world where everyone is safer because the products they are using are chemically safer. Whether this is through brands being able to take a proactive approach to product development by verifying the chemicals used in their products are safe, or suppliers being able to share important […]

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Cationizer Neutralizer and Stone free enzyme (2022)

cationizer This research is mainly focusing on the influence of cationizer on color fastness and shade variation of cotton fabric dyed with bi-functional reactive dyes. Dyes which have been selected for the study contain both chloro triazine and sulphone reactive groups in the same molecule. After treating the fabric with cationizer, these samples are dyed […]

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Sedex (ethical trade membership organization)

Sedex is one of the world’s leading ethical trade membership organization, working with businesses to improve working conditions in global supply chains. We provide an online platform, tools and services to help businesses operate responsibly and sustainably, protect workers and source ethically. Using Sedex enables businesses to work together to better manage their social and […]

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BSCI – Business Social Compliance Initiative

SAAS has previously provided technical assistance and verification to the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) as a means of promoting workplace conditions in accordance with human rights, ILO conventions and national labor law. BSCI, a program of the Foreign Trade Association of Europe, is designed to improve working conditions for the suppliers of BSCI’s participating […]

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Reverse osmosis (RO)

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that uses a partially permeable membrane to separate ions, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water. In reverse osmosis, an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property that is driven by chemical potential differences of the solvent, a thermodynamic parameter. Reverse osmosis […]

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RO systems for recycling waste water

RO systems for recycling waste water Reverse Osmosis is a water purification technology that is used to purify the drinking water. In places where there is a high TDS (Total Dissolved salts) content in water, this system is used to filter and improving water quality for drinking. While purifying water for drinking, only 25% of […]

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Cost-effective IoT implementation in garments sector with RFID tracking system

Consumer behavior and retail trends are changing in the global apparel industry. Consumers are rapidly moving into a fast fashion which can put significant pressure on the supply chain. It makes it easier for the buyers to end up with excess so that manufacturers will have to sell at a reduced price or a loss. […]

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নিরপেক্ষকরণ বা Neutralization (রসায়ন)

নিরপেক্ষকরণ (রসায়ন) রসায়নে, নিরপেক্ষতা বা নিরপেক্ষকরণ (বানানের পার্থক্য দেখুন) একটি রাসায়নিক বিক্রিয়া যাতে অ্যাসিড এবং একটি বেস একে অপরের সাথে পরিমাণগতভাবে প্রতিক্রিয়া দেখায়। জলের প্রতিক্রিয়া হিসাবে, নিরপেক্ষকরণের ফলে দ্রবণের উপস্থিতিতে হাইড্রোজেন বা হাইড্রোক্সাইড আয়নগুলির অতিরিক্ত পরিমাণ থাকে না। নিরপেক্ষ সমাধানের পিএইচ চুল্লিগুলির অ্যাসিড শক্তির উপর নির্ভর করে। রাসায়নিক বিক্রিয়ার পরিপ্রেক্ষিতে অ্যাসিড এবং বেস বা ক্ষার […]

বিস্তারিত »

ইকো ব্লিচ (ECO BLEACH)

ECO BLEACH DO1 Advantage of ECO BLEACH DO1: 1. No need any Neutralizer like Meta or Maxx 2. No need any tearing improver because this chemical has no affinity on cellulose, works on only indigo. 3. No need any special cleaning agent or detergent. 4. No need any anti back during neutralization 5. Finally need […]

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Ozone Booster (2022)

The air dryer is for use with any Aqua Medic Ozone Generators. Ozone output can decrease dramatically if the supply air is very humid. Ozone Booster should be used to dry the air, particularly if a protein skimmer is supplied with ozone using the humid air present in the aquarium cabinet. In some circumstances ozone […]

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কারিগরি টুকিটাকি – ধাতু ‌ও পানি‌ও সংক্রান্ত।

Waste water Related subject: • Total suspended solids content (TSS); • Chemical oxygen demand (COD); GHG : greenhouse gas GSV Report : Global security verification Report. Chemical issue: EMISSION TO AIR SOx (Sulfur Oxides), NOx (Nitrogen Oxides), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs), Toxic Air Pollutants (e.g. associated with solvents, adhesives), Lead, Carbon […]

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Environmental Impact Measurement ( EIM )

EIM (Environmental Impact Measurement) software developed by Jeanologia is the only software on the market that measures the environmental impact within the garment finishing industry. This user-friendly tool helps brands achieve their goals on their roadmap to sustainability. The environmental impact software measures water, chemical and energy consumption as well as worker health in the […]

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Sustainable dyeing using microbiology (২০২২)

Sustainable dyeing using microbiology EVALUATED ALTERNATIVE What is an alternative/evaluated alternative? Summary Colorifix has developed a revolutionary dyeing process to help the textile industry dramatically reduce its environmental impact in a cost-effective manner using a synthetic biology-based approach. Their solution relies on modifying microorganisms using Synthetic Biology such that they can produce, deposit and fix […]

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G2 and E-flow – bleaching jeans without chemicals (২০২২)

G2 and E-flow – bleaching jeans without chemicals ALTERNATIVE What is an alternative/evaluated alternative? Summary G2: Washed by the atmosphere. G2 is the latest and most eco efficient ozone textile technology, the result of 15 years of constant innovation in the garment finishing industry. e-flow: e-Flow technology is the sustainable textile solution to transfer chemicals […]

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