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Present fashion trend Jeans Fit women – Two (২০২২)

Women’s Low-Rise Jeans You’ve heard the news, and we’re happy to report that low-rise jeans are BACK and more flattering than ever. American Eagle low-rise jeans update your fave fits with a lower waist that’s perfect for all your ’90s outfits, pairing well with crop tops, band tees, and just about every throwback shirt or […]

বিস্তারিত »

EcoVero, Ozone treatment and FHSA

EcoVero, Ozone treatment and FHSA (Federal Hazardous Substances Act) What is EcoVero EcoVero™ is a more sustainable viscose made using sustainable wood from controlled sources: FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) certified in Europe, instead of bamboo or eucalyptus, which is commonly used in normal viscose production. What […]

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The Customs (Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements) Rules, 2020 (CAROTAR, 2020)

The Customs (Administration of Rules of Origin under Trade Agreements) Rules, 2020 (CAROTAR, 2020), was notified on 21st August 2020 by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs. It came into force from 21st September 2020. CAROTAR 2020 (“Rules”) aims to add to the existing operational certification procedures which are prescribed under different trade […]

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Jeanologia introduces “sustainable-isation” Dyeing/​Finishing/​Printing

Jeanologia presents two innovative collections 5.Zero: indigo & vintage and All blacks edition, through which the company introduces the sustainable-isation concept, at this week’s Bluezone Munich Fabric Start. Jeanologia’s technological innovations aim to promote a more reasonable use of natural and human resources in the garment finishing processes. In its intent to make these processes […]

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Jeanologia’s e-flow perfect for Devan finishes

Speciality chemicals producer Devan is working with Jeanologia, the specialist in sustainable finishing technologies headquartered in Valencia, Spain, to further reduce the water consumption required for the application of Bi-Ome antimicrobial and R-Vital skincare ranges. Jeanologia’s e-Flow technology can accomplish a considerable number of finishing effects with the highest quality, a minimal amount of water […]

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Standard Operating Procedure or SOP:

In garments & textile industry SOP is popular word & new concept in this sector. In modern ages manufacturing company widely maintain SOP for smoothly production process. SOP means “Standard Operating Procedure”. It is the management tools of garments industry. It indicates the every task how to operate smoothly. It is one kind of operating […]

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Foam Dyeing – an energy saving solution to dyeing

Yellow, Pink, Orange, Red….so on and so forth. The world is full of colours and when it comes to the textile industry, importance of colours increases manifold. In the world of textile and apparel, colours are one of the factors that attract customers. This makes textile dyeing more of an art than a process. The […]

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SMV & SAM in garments industry

SMV & SAM is the very important term for garments industry. It is lit bit confusion but SMV & SAM are different things. Time is always valuable resource & important operations in apparel sector. It is involve with cost calculate of a garments. It is very crucial point trying to discover different methods to save […]

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Lycra Breakage Cause and Preventive Measure

According to garments industry we face sometimes lycra braking on heavy fabric in garments sector. That the reason, we have to analyze & investigate how to remove & minimize lycra braking on garments because it is huge loss on garments price for garments factory. After read this article we can easily understand how to prevent […]

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General terms are popular term in garments industry (2021)

Some of the general terms are popular in garments industry & everybody should know below terms. Normally, this term can be use in garments & apparel industry. As a result we should have clear idea below terms & keep in mind for better understanding. HCSB: HR Compliance Society of Bangladesh. SEDEX: Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. […]

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Ozone wash

Ozone is oxygen (O2) with an extra atom of oxygen attached thus forming O3. Ozone is formed naturally during a lightning storm. The creation of ozone is nature’s way of purifying the atmosphere and is what gives clothesline dried linen that ‘‘fresh air’’ smell. Ozone wash is modern technology and used to change color after […]

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GPQ – Duties & Responsibilities

The full form of “GPQ” is the “Guideline for Production and Quality” Control. Quality required to be implemented in the Garment Factory through GPQ. Usually, GPQ acts as the helping hand of the buyer QC. Moreover, best product quality and final inspection confirmed by GPQ. In a factory there are many buyers each buyer has […]

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DPI = (Dots Per Inch) Higher laser resolution (২০২২)

DPI = Dots Per Inch. True DPI is defined as how many dots can be lined up in an inch without overlapping. There are 4X as many dots in a square inch at 600 DPI than at 300 DPI. Higher laser resolution equates to finer detail in your engraving. With the exception of the Zing […]

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Leveling agents (২০২২)

Leveling agents: chemistry and performance Abstract The appeal (comfort) of the fabric material is a main parameter that decides the market flow of the product. To bring in complicated design and trendy material, shade variations have always been a hurdle. It remains so as, the dye uptake and fixation and of the dye material is […]

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