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প্রিয় লেখকদের লেখা থেকে কিছু মূল্যবান উক্তি – মার্চ ২০২১ – ২য় ভাগ।

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প্রিয় লেখকদের লেখা থেকে কিছু মূল্যবান উক্তি – অনুবাদে গুগল মার্চ ২০২১। ২য় ভাগ।

“Before you sleep
Every night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart. “

You are the pass word of my smile.
Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need – Khalil Gibran
A woman is okay with being alone is a powerful woman.
People can change a lot when you do not spend titme with them OR when you ignore them regularly – Happy Quote
Our most sacred tears never seek our eyes. – Khalil Gibran

When respect comes before love, every love story become a perfect love story – Vinay Vinu.
A girl with dreams in her eyes is far beautiful than a girl with just an eyeliner.
Nothing feels right when you’re not happy inside.
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots. – Rumi
Souls all the more beautiful because they are swollen with longing – Albert Camus.
Grant me a mind free of worry, a heart free of sadness, a body free of sickness- Rumi.

In the small matters listen the mind and it the large ones the heart” -Sigmund Freud.

A man once asked Rumi. “ why is it you talk so much about silence!
His answer: “ the radiant one inside me, has never said a word, take my soul to the place where I may speak without words”

“Nobody is too busy
It’s a matter of priorities”

“Travel and tell no one.
Live a true love story and tell no one.
Live happily and tellno one.
People ruin beautiful things.”- Khalin Gibran

“But it is very difficult to find a wife who has beautiful heart and willing to live in a hard time.”

তারিখ: মার্চ ১৭, ২০২১

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