জীবনের চলার পথে Practical বা ব্যবহারিক জ্ঞানময় ভাবনায় চলাচল খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
When bike drive’s age is 19 then bike speed is 80 KM/ HR
When bike drive’s age is 27 then bike speed is 40 KM/ HR
When responsibilities increases, bike speed decreases.
Tears have no weight, but they carry heave feeling.
Only our pillow knows the amount of emotions we hide from the world.
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. – cicro.
Study found that around 70% of student are going through depression and this rate increasing every year. Stress on their brains is same as on a person in a Jail.
Parent should understand that mental health of your child is more important than grades.
This is how I remember the days hanging out with everybody before cell phones killed it. Those days were golden days. Actually cell phone made us solitude !
Everyone in the world going through their own struggles. So don’t judge people if you don’t know their hidden story.
Now a day need vertical forest building. This building is fortified with lush vegetation that fights Air pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
সূত্র: সংগৃহিত।
তারিখ: মার্চ ১৭, ২০২১
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